Aug. 26th, 2004

In school.

Aug. 26th, 2004 11:16 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Yay for studies! Currently free until lunch, will probably do my Spanish homework. So far, none of the classes will kill me, I think, other than possibly Research Seminar. Research projects are the bane of my existance ><; Mr. Menard, the language teacher, is particularly good - very funny. Yay for competence. A lot of the kids are really cool too - I'm not the only silly fangirl! w00t! Anyway, if anyone wants to get a hold of me during school, send mail to my regular account, or preferably my school mail account, as we're encouraged to check that during the day - address for that is rhatch[at]wpi[dot]edu ^^ And I swear, I really will do that AE report. My meager photo selection is up already, so I have no excuse.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Two notes before I do laundry, pack, and get some sleep.

1) You see the wedding kimono down there? You know how I said I'd get more photos soon? Well, that's happening this weekend, and I am more than happy to do shameless fanservice for you people, as long as it doesn't get me in trouble with the law or people's significant others ^^ So, request away. Will pretty definately have a shikifuku!Subaru, and possibly a Kamui or Keiichi. Or both, but not at the same time ^^

2) A meme I actually find interesting ^^ So:

Leave a comment with your name if you want to know what I really think of you, and I'll reply and tell you. No lies, all honesty.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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