Oct. 3rd, 2004


Oct. 3rd, 2004 09:49 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
Yeah, you know you're having a lousy week when *SPLAT* describes your state of being. I think I've got my official first nasty cold of the year, as I keep sneazing, my nose is running, and I'm tired all the time x.x Which means that I haven't gotten much done other than the things I have to do, because I don't have the sentience to manage much else - when I'm stumbling over tons of words in English, this is a sign my brain is fried. So, I've got all sorts of personal and long-term school projects I haven't touched, and instead have been playing FFX for many hours, because it means I don't hactually have to get up and do anything, or think particularly hard. I think I see why you ship Braska/Jecht/Auron ^^

Also, I have now survived a birthday party of nine-year-old girls (The mom didn't tip. Damnit.), played security guard at a swim meet, and cleaned gutters - I think that those who haven't done the last probably seriously underestimate the weight of a hose full of water. And some contracted construction workers are lazy bastards.

And now, I'm going to go finish my goddamned Research Sem writing-thing (Have I mentioned I hate Research Sem?), read some fic, and sleep.


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