Dec. 8th, 2004


Dec. 8th, 2004 07:26 pm
momijizukamori: (Roy: chibi-evil)
I've more or less spent nearly the last four hours working on physics homework. And I'm still not done. Half of my answers are different from the book, and I don't know why, and I don't get centripedal acceleration at all, and our teachers never explain anything. I'm frustrated to the point where I'd like to set my book on fire and laugh maniacally or something, but it's a hunrdred dollar textbook, and thus I'm sure my mom would be less than pleased. Physics is a tool of evil, and not the good kind of evil at that.

*deep breath* Okay, calming down now. Had two minor amusesments on the way out of school today. One was being snarky with Michelle at Alex Volfsson, who is pretty much a living definition of 'whiney bitch', even if he's a guy. He wanted a ride up to the main campus with us, Michelle finally conceded mostly to get him to shut up, I think. I also had my brain slip into vaguely formal mode when the director (No, not principal - we've got one of those, he's annoying. I have no idea what Mr. Salvatelli's job actually entails) of the math/sci program I'm in asked if Michelle and I were leaving - I think my exact responce was '...It is noon, is it not?', which is totally unlike something I'd usually say unless I was intentionally being more formal. It was odd, but it amused me.

Anyway. Had a fairly nice evening last night, other than the fact that I couldn't fall asleep and thus stayed up until one am working on layout stuff instead. Which means that hopefully my poor domain will finally have a new layout ^^; Also talked to Jesse, who it turns out is very cool, for a while.

And, damn, there was something else interesting I wanted to talk about, but now I can't remember it. Oh well. I think I may go play video games or do something that doesn't have to with rotational motion or Kepler's Laws for a while.


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