Feb. 22nd, 2005


Feb. 22nd, 2005 08:39 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Dear emotions, while the fact that you exploring shiny, wonderful new territory is nice, it does not give you permission to drag me on another one of these insane rollercoaster-rides. It's making me sleep badly, and have strange, uncomfortable dreams that I can't remember if they're real or not when I wake up, and generally making me me very unfun to be around.

*sigh* I think if I could have one thing right now, it'd be better emotional control. Oh well. At least my cup of tea is making me feel better, if not significantly more awake. Mmm, tea <3
momijizukamori: (Default)
Rationalize mangakas' _crack_. I'll explain later, when I have more than five minutes. In other news, Wikipedia = my friend.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Things Cocoa Doesn't Like:

Feeling plain, boring, generally uninteresting, and useless, particularly when it leads to feeling out of place amoung my friends who seem so much more interesting than me.

This is probably a sign that I either need something new and interesting in my routine/warddrobe/house/life, or to sleep for two days straight, or both.

*headdesk* This is so not my week.

EDIT: Tokyo-Tower _may_ be down for the rest of the week. There's a sticky situation involving the fact that my mom and her credit card are in France, and I need the new number because her old one expired.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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