Jun. 30th, 2005


Jun. 30th, 2005 07:32 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
So, uh, kinda lied about that internet access - I thought Ron and John and their AOL account were staying with us, but no. So currently I'm on my brother's friend's old AOL account, on the slowest dial-up connection EVAR. Which means that this'll probably be one my one time online before I get home Sunday night - just checking my e-mail and LJ and crap.

Trip down was massively boring - I spent most of the trip listening to music and reading C.S. Friedman's Coldfire Trilogy, which was very shiny. I <3 Gerald Tarrant, I think.

Family reunion was alright, too. Food was good, I got the usual comments about how much taller I was, etc. I brought a book and let everybody else do the talking. We went out on the lake Sunday, which involved a lot of my mom getting lost, and minor arguments over who got to use the jetski. We went over the mountain house that night, and I got irritated at 3:30 am by the boys in the hot tub outside my window ><

Monday and Tuesday we didn't do much - a little shopping, sat around and read book, ate. We went to the movies, too - my mom and I saw Batman Begins, which was quite good, although, this is coming from someone who's experience with the franchise is the Batman Beyond cartoon series. There was also a DDR machine, and I managed to pass Cartoon Heros and End of Century right after each other, which is an accomplishment for me.

Yesterday, we went whitewater rafting, which was a ton of fun, but left me very sunburnt - both my legs look like they have some sort of strange skin rash, and it hurts like hell. Today was mostly just more shopping - we rented a movie to watch tonight.

...And I give up on this shitty connection. See you all on the third.


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