Jul. 12th, 2005


Jul. 12th, 2005 11:45 pm
momijizukamori: (Annoyed!Gwendal)
Yeah, I'm around, I've just been wandering off doing other things. Mostly working, which still sucks, but what else is new? Hopefully I can trade one of my really awful shifts for a less awful one, though, which will be nice. I've also been doing a lot of reading - currently part way into the first volume of the Baroque Cycle. Also been having lots of fun with the Turks RP, which I just made a new layout for (art by C ^^). Oh, and I bought my plane tickets for Otakon, w00t ^^

Anyway - last bits of my NC trip. We watched Deliverance, which is amusingly bad, and features Burt Reynolds the Machismo Tire - many jokes were made about this afterwards. We also went to Christmas in July, which is kind of a little street-fair type thing. My cousin Tyler, who is fourteen but very very short, entered a bunch of his goats in the livestock judging, and I got to help out with getting them ready and stuff. He came away with one third place, one second place, three first places, and one Grand Champion, which was nice. Then I spent the car ride home watching Kyo Kara Maou, which I will probably dedicate a full entry to later, when I'm not so tired.

Things I need to do still:
-Call the RMV and book a road test (Tomorrow or Thursday, before my mom kills me)
-Pre-reg for Otakon (Sometime between now and Friday - the price goes up then)
-Fifty hours of community service (Before Otakon. Someone save me please I have no ideas or time *hyperventilates*)

EDIT: New icon! Yay Gwendal XD


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