Aug. 1st, 2005

momijizukamori: (Annoyed!Gwendal)
...I was going to open this with some lines from Hamlet that are rather speaking to me at the moment, but I decided that was too pretentious, and was probably not going to be seen by the intended anyway. Act 2, Scene II, the begining of Hamlet's letter to Ophelia, if you care.

Anyway. Otakon is, again, up in the air. Without going into too much detail, unless things change drastically in the next week or two, I have to weigh getting to meet Ammie against the $200 to $300 dollars it's going to cost me, the possibility of some very, very uncomfortable encounters, and having no cosplay group to be with. Yeah, life is not on my side right now.

In other news, when Grace was over, I let her do up makeup for me, and then we took a few photos. I figured I'd share, if only for the shock-value of 'OMG Cocoa in makeup!' I actually think it's nice, personally.

Full face, and another.
Just the eyes, which came out kinda strangely colored o.0
Fingernails and toes. I took it off my fingernails, but it's still on my toes to amuse me at work.

EDIT: ...Someone please convince me trying to dye my hair very pale silver-blue is a Bad Idea. I know it is, but I want to do it anyway. Damn you, Braska. This is all your fault. You and your pretty hair and silly hat that goes whoosh. And you too, Riff, you're just encourging him.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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