Aug. 4th, 2005

momijizukamori: (Default)
Kelsey! Try to catch me tomorrow, we need to talk RP stuff so I don't have to go back and edit the hell out of this reply later XD

In other news, work sucks, still, but I will still be at it this fall which means money. My car also died - I've been told it's probably the gas pump. Got out there and the engine wouldn't start. I do get to sleep late today, though, which is a plus. Dunno about Otakon yet, bleh.

...Also, you've got an interesting defintion of 'two or three days', I think, but whatever. Your move, as always.


Aug. 4th, 2005 08:49 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
I think, unfortunately, that no matter what happens in the next couple of days. It's too much money, too near the end of vacation (it is the end of vacation), and I don't have anything ready for it at all. I'm sorry, Ammie. I really wanted this to work out. Give me a cell number or a hotel and the name the room is under and I'll call or something? I'd love to talk for a little bit. And I've got some stuff to mail you, too ^^

A random aside, I think if anyone other than possibly Zack were to call Sephiroth 'Sephy' to his face, he would probably kill them on the spot. Fangirls are silly creatures.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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