Aug. 25th, 2005

Mmm, TV.

Aug. 25th, 2005 12:08 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Ah, X-Play. The only thing that makes G4/TechTV worthwhile any more. Particularly for Ratty XD

That aside, today I spent several hours ripping down a ceiling and walls, and marveled over how stupidly expensive college textbooks are. $150 for a book I may only be using for seven weeks? Insane. And I read 8-bit Theatre for a while.

Real classes tomorrow, ouch. Starting with Calc 1 x.x
momijizukamori: (Default)
So I actually had all of my classes today. First impressions:

Calc 1: Boring. I like my professor, but I have no interest in the material, as is generally my problem with math classes.

Shakespeare in the Age of Elizabeth: ...Eh. There's something that sort of rubbed me the wrong way on the first day at least about the class and prof. It feels like it's not going to be a bad class, just a lot less interesting than I was hoping it would be. We'll see.

Intro to Biotech: Love! My favorite so far - our professor is awesome, even if the book is kind of boring (as are most science textbooks).

Also, stepping in mushy cracker in your bare feet is absolutely disgusting. Thus giving me more reasons to hate the little kids at work. And it feels distinctly like two people who I considered pretty much best friends have abandoned me, at least for the time being. Lovely. No, I don't much care for sympathies at the moment - it won't change anything. I think said two people know who they are, and at this point it's up to them to do something.

...Apparently I remember more of chem than I thought. My brain is goint 'Orbitals? Yeah yeah, know that already.'
momijizukamori: (Default)
Photo-time, yet again.

What I wore Tuesday, to scare impress the juniors. You can't see the huge boots I've got in in that photo
Said boots
And my new haircut!

And the FFX FST is so much love (you have to be a member of the comm to see, but it's open membership). It's beautiful and works perfectly and I've been listening to it on repeat for most of the past three weeks.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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