Aug. 31st, 2005

momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
It's probably a sign of how much last year destroyed me that it feels totally wierd to be ahead of things. I've got two thirds of my calc homework for next Tuesday done, half of my Shakespeare reading for this Friday, and I may do some of my biotech reading for Monday in a bit. Oh, and I cut out my overcoat for Alexis, and discovered I probably have enough to make another shorter fall/spring coat for myself.

Have also been dreaming up more outfit designs, inbetween tearing down more walls. Ah, I get so much satisfaction out of wanton destruction. And money. The money is good too. Switched shifts for the fall with someone, so I'm now totally and completely free on Wednesdays, which I may say, totally rocks so far. It's like a mini-weekend in the middle of the week. I spent part of it today swearing under my breath at the Department of Public Works, who have decided doing major road work on five or six key roads plus numerous back streets at the same time was a good plan. This resulted in a fifteen minute drive becoming an hour long one, but there was DDR, and me kicking my brother's ass at air hockey, which was good.

And my dad came home from Alaska early, which means I may not have to go to Pennsylvania this weekend, yay!


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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