Sep. 12th, 2005

momijizukamori: (Default)
Calculus is the tool of Satan, I think. I can only get through about three quarters of my homework problems at all, even with the solutions manual, because I simply don't understand where the hell they're getting some of these steps.

This, combined with all the editing and revising I have to do on my Shakespeare paper and the fact that I'm working for three hours means that I don't get to watch Advent Children until after school tomorrow. Nooooo. (Which also means that your reply will have to wait until tomorrow too, Mara - sorry)

Also, I am incredibly screwed for my Calc test on Thursday. I was doing so well up until this section, too...


Sep. 12th, 2005 10:10 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
I was actually in a pretty good mood coming home from work, after getting all my work on Twelfth Night done earlier and laying the metaphorical smackdown on this old man who insisted we were open until 10:30, when in fact the pool closes, and has always closed, no later than 9:30.

But oh, one little sentance on my friendslist and my heart is back to that lovely, lovely sinking feeling I've managed to finally avoid for a couple weeks. I'm on top of my school work, now I just need to get on top of the rest of my life...

Also, Calculus continues to bite.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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