Oct. 18th, 2005

momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
...Starting with the last. For people who live in MA (or any place with rotaries/traffic circles, which is mostly MA and Ireland, I've found), yield to the people in the circle. Really, how hard is this to do? Especially when most have signs to this effect. I almost got hit by some asshole who decided that it didn't matter that I was in the rotary, he was just going to go right through in his giant pick-up. Fucker. I hate hate hate driving in this city.

On to happier things! Went by the library, and got out two cyberpunk books I already own but have disappeared into the depths of friends' homes (Buring Chrome and Neuromancer). The first was more for Ben, who I'm trying to draw into cyberpunk, and the second was for me, because writing Asher, who is kinda a cyberpunk kid (as opposed to Ally, who is a child of the 80s), makes me crave cyberpunk. Also grabbed a book on poisons that looked interesting, the first book of the Coldfire Trilogy which I am reading again, and The Lobotomist, which she reccomended to me. So now I have things to do in my free time instead of writing long, bitter rants on my blog - aren't you all happy XD?

On the RP side of things, posted this last night, as I enjoy embarassing my characters on the internet (Okay, just Asher), and yes, I know his head shape is kind of off, it took me four tries to get that far. I've also realized that the biggest flaw of having my two characters' strongest ties be to each other, rather than other people's characters like it seems everybody else did, is that I can't play out backstory with someone else - I'm pretty much on my own. Which is also, I suppose kind of a good thing, because it means I can do whatever the hell I want with the two of them, but at the same time gives me less incentive to write up and flesh out a lot of the backstory. I may do a few bits and pieces anyway, probably conversations like that little bit with Isaac and Raphael. Also, my brain has spawned a couple archtypes today I'd kind of like to build characters around - perhaps I'll lset them simmer in the back of my head and see what they spawn. The storm-mage is the one I find the most fascinating, mostly because I'd have to go in and chose limits and abilities and neat stuff like that. Food for thought, I guess.


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