Oct. 20th, 2005

momijizukamori: (Default)
So, went to Mara's house on Tuesday, came back Wednesday night. We had a nice, relaxed time - made s'mores in the microwave (s'mores with gingersnaps > s'mores with graham crackers), watched Red Dragon, played video games. We also went out and window shopped for a bit, and I found the most perfect black leather coat ever in a thrift store. So I called my mom, and asked her if she would help me pay for it (it was $78 - good price for the coat, but a bit expensive for me), and she was all 'OMG buy it!' So I did. I'll take photos later when I'm actually wearing nice clothes - today is a slob-day, in part because my house is currently freezing, as our furnace isn't working and the guy who was supposed to come to fix it yesterday didn't.

On a more introspective note, I totally need to have more self-confidence in my writing stuff. I'm mostly okay about everything else, but writing is my little super-sensitive spot. I think it's some conversations I've had with people on related subjects recently that have been getting me so down this week.

...Well, okay, that and the MIT app I need to have, like, finished. But have barely started, because I suck. And now I'm going to avoid it more in favor of playing DMC and resisting the temptation to re-read bits of the Inferno, so I can laugh and laugh and laugh. The last bit is entirely Ari's fault.


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