Oct. 21st, 2005

momijizukamori: (Default)
Was chatting with some of the ladies from the Aquarobics class after they were done, and learned I'm not the only one that hates Bob (my boss's boss). Apparently on top of telling me to clean the hair out of the floor drains in my free time, he's also been the source of lots of scheduling trouble, as well as one of the reasons my previous two bosses left - the other being that they weren't getting paid enough, which I can totally believe. Bleh. At least they fixed the vacuum.

On an entirely unrelated note, I'm at the final boss in Devil May Cry. Probably could have beaten him tonight if I really felt like it, but eh, save it for tomorrow. This is totally going to be the fastest I've ever finished a game - under two weeks. I also vote that we should give Dante's Tacky Red Coat a name. Just because. Suggestions, anyone XD?


Oct. 21st, 2005 11:36 pm
momijizukamori: (Sephiroth :: God)
So, tonight was the Vienna Teng concert in Cambridge, and it was totally awesome. It was me and my mom. We actually thought we were going to be late, and made a rather illegal U-turn to try and counter that, but we ended up arriving a good five minutes before the music began. It was at a folk club, so the atmosphere was nice and relaxed, very intimate, which I liked. As for the music itself, it was totally awesome seeing one my favorite artists live. Vienna played a mix of stuff off her two albums and unreleased stuff, as well as two covers, and it was all totally awesome. I think I almost cried when she played "Harbour" - it is hands-down my favorite of her songs, and it was even more beautiful live.

Afterwards, my mom and I went to the Garage, and I found that awesome Sephiroth Play Arts figure for $20, and as such immediately bought it. My mom got a DVD for herself and a CD for Ben at Newbury Comics. We then headed over to Finale, and had some lovely if expensive desserts to finish off the evening.

(Coming later - more DMC and Coldfire babble)


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