Jan. 7th, 2006

momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
First and foremost, why the hell do I have 'I Just Can't Wait To Be King' on my computer? Not that I mind, as it amuses me, I just don't know why it's on my computer. Anyway, because I'm a huge slacker, I didn't actually work on Sephiroth at all today, and instead went out shopping and prostrated myself before the twin gods of Squeenix and Capcom. Actually, mostly Capcom, but I found a used copy of Final Fantasy Anthology for $10 at the video store when we went to rent The Producers (Everybody, go! Watch it! I love that movie), and I couldn't resist. And then Ben and I talked about how Wesker could kick anyone's ass on the way home.

Another rec - everybody reading this should go read William Gibson's Burning Chrome, because it is fucking awesome. Particularly anyone who writes Midgar stuff because 1) if you love Midgar you'll love Gibson and 2) the Sprawl is really good inspiration for Midgar. As is the stuff in Isaac Asimov's Caves of Steel which I still maintain is a sort of proto-cyberpunk. The atmosphere is so there.

Also, anybody want icons? I've been making tons of icons for Jo, and I figured I might as well offer everybody else icons XD
momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
I can't remember if I shared the Funniest FF7 Summary Ever, but here's an Advent Children one to go along with it!

And this is why I totally <3 Samira's Fuujin-mun. She shares these things with me, and then we talk about how Leon Kennedy is a gigantic loser, but we love him anyway, and probably has amusing high school reunions. To quote her:

Bob: I sell houses. So what do you do?
Leon: Fight zombies.
Bob: . . .

And with that, I'm going to wander downstairs and play either RE4 or 2 to get my Leon fix, and possibly make myself ramen or something. While humming Franz Ferdinand's 'Do You Want To', because that song is really catchy, if not terribly great ('The Fallen' = so much better)


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