Jan. 12th, 2006

momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
Finished RE4 last night, with lots of jokes about Krauser/Leon, and the agreement with my brother that while the ending was cool, it would have been better if it were the Merchant instead of Ada saying 'This one's on the house, stranger.' But seriously, the game is awesome. All it needed was an easy way to cycle weapons, which isn't really a big deal. Even Ashley grew on me by the end - yeah, she's a little irritating, but she's a hell of a lot less irritating than she could have been. And then, because I needed my Leon-fix, I actually managed to figure out the controls in RE2 (although admitably I'm playing on Easy, because I fail) and played that for a while. Which means I slept badly last night, because I think some part of my brain was trying to play RE2 in my sleep, which doesn't work well - kept waking up, so I feel like death warmed over.

Anyway, today was the first day of classes. So far I've just had Calc 3 which looks like it's going to be hideously boring, although that's to be expected. Unfortunately I can't skip the conferences this term because we have quizes in them, ugh. Right now I'm on a bit of a break until my next class at two - tried to find Michelle, in part because I have no money for food and am hungry, but she's in a classroom somewhere, because that's the only place I didn't check, and it's kind of hard to miss her - she's one of maybe ten goth-kids in an otherwise nerd and prep (yeah, I don't get it either) campus. Argh. I know she's got a noon class, so I'll wander over to the campus center at one and see if she's showed up....

EDIT: So, my final grade in Calc 2 was listed as 'I', and there was a lot of me going 'I? What the hell?' because nobody bothered to tell me what that meant, until five minutes ago when I got an e-mail from my Calc 2 prof. Apparently I failed the basic skills portion of the Calc 2 final, which is required to pass, so I have to retake it on Tuesday. Argh.

Anyway, as I am bored, a meme! )


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