Jan. 31st, 2006

momijizukamori: (Default)
Because all the cool kids are doing it - first impressions meme, care of [livejournal.com profile] dispassion and half my flist - reply there, not here. I'm way too curious about what people think of me, I think >.>

SE babblings to come later :D Am off to write Rufus for the moment, before Reno smacks me for being slow and lazy >.>
momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
I got a rather unfortunate start to the day when I slipped down my front stairs and spilled my remaing two-thirds of a cup of tea all over myself. As as result, I'm slightly sore, have sticky spots on my coat, and didn't get to have my cup of tea. Argh.

Anyway, before I forget, playing as Vergil is fucking sweet. I think some of it is the combination of DT and Beowulf (my favorite acquired weapon, pretty much) from the start - I'm up to mission 11. Playing Dante on Easy is also kind of fun, if only because it really is ridiculously easy. I've been refering to it as 'Super n00b mode' And Blood Palace is actually a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. Mmm, melee. Also, I thought of the most beautifully wrong crossever the other night - DMC/Buffy. And it's sad, because it would actually work.

Also, with SE out, here's a repost of one of the tracks from my personal DMC3 playlist (because I can't stand the actual background music). Noise rock, with the most awesome bass line ever.

Lightning Bolt - Dracula Mountain


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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