Feb. 25th, 2006

Weird Mood

Feb. 25th, 2006 11:26 pm
momijizukamori: (Yuna :: Dreamer)
I am so out of it right now. I think it's probably the combination of a possible sinus infection (which I think is why I've been so tired lately) and spending most of the afternoon watching Ben play Silent Hill 3. I have also discovered that I officially can't draw Ally, at all. I'm going to have make cookies to bribe Grace with or something, she draws cute girls. And while I don't often hold grudges, there are still a few people I have a deep burning hatred for, when I actually bother to think about them. But in good news, Shinra's Finest is moving again - several months of prodding finally paid off. And I cleaned my room some - it's still cluttered, but you can see my floor again!

Also, I know I owe several people a bunch of stuff - I haven't forgotten, I just have no energy to work on anything right now. I'm really sorry, guys :\

There will probably be cosplay/con stuff post sometime soon, as I have lots to babble about on that front, and there may even be in-progress Seph pictures. Mostly so Skuld can mock my lack of abs. For now, I'm reading old blog entries (I need a new layout now gahhh) and then I think I will go have a cup of tea and play Kingdom Hearts, because everybody has wandered off on me and in this mood, if I don't have someone to talk to, I'm going to get all whiney and grumpy sitting here. And Kingdom Hearts is easy, and brightly colored and cheerful. And I can make fun of Squall 'Leon'. I've actually been playing Chain of Memories in ROM-form, but I'm stuck on Parasite Cage and the battle system isn't nearly as satisfying.


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