Apr. 27th, 2006


Apr. 27th, 2006 10:50 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Haven't been around much, I know. It's the end of the year, so things have been finals, my community service, and playing RE4 because I have to give it back by graduation (more on that later). Senior project stuff is now entirely done and out of my hands, which just leaves the community service, two finals, and one paper. My dad and brother are gone this weekend at Coachella in CA - lucky them. My dad was also bugging me about getting a job with more hours this summer. I'm..uncertain. I know it's a good idea, but this is my last summer vacation before college and the real world, I'd kind of like to just kick back and enjoy it. Further consideration is needed, I think.

On the AX front...I'd really like to go, because it seems like I'm nearly the only person who isn't, but I'm looking at $300 for plane tickets alone, plus reg, hotel, and food, which is probably another $200+, which is all money I don't really have. Something to think about, though.

And proving I'm a huge geek, I totally had a dream last night I was cosplaying Rufus and had managed to find a Tseng to join me in my madness, although I dunno who it was. We were laughing about something...don't remember much else.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Apparently Skuld is psychic or something, because I was planning on posting about this earlier, and then came home from work to find an e-mail on the subject.

Does anyone need hotel space for Anime Boston? I have a king at the Sheraton, which currently just has me, and possibly Jon in it, because everybody else dropped out. And neither of us really have the money for a $175 a night hotel room. If I don't get at least one more person, and probably more like two, I'm going to have to commute or something, which I'd really, really rather not do.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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