Jun. 14th, 2006


Jun. 14th, 2006 05:15 am
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
Apparently the Boston Cosplay Picnic was this past Saturday and I didn't know. I am...more annoyed about this than I really should be, possibly because it's almost five am. I went fabric shopping, and bought stuff for Fujin on impulse (both FF8 and KH2 versions, too, because I couldn't make up my mind). Spent more than I probably should have, but they'll be good experimenting costumes because they're both simple enough I'm not going to get really frustrated with the design aspects, and I can play around with some new techniques before using them on bigger projects. Plus, KH2!Fujin's outfit is really cute - will totally wear that outside of cons.

I honestly should have gone to bed hours ago, although I guess it's nice that Asher's got a shiny new default icon - finally managed to get something worthwhile done with that image. Next up is new layouts for various things, either because the current ones have been up forever or because the current ones suck and when I look at them I feel vaugely embarassed they saw the light of day.

Oh, anyone interested in running the S/S fanlisting? I'm not active at all in X fandom any more, and as such, I'm not really interested in running it anymore, but I'm still a little attached and would much rather see it go to someone I know.

EDIT: Also, I have a Reliant K song stuck in my head augh.


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