Jun. 17th, 2006

An Idea

Jun. 17th, 2006 02:52 am
momijizukamori: (Default)
Yeah, I know, I'm kind of spammy today. Anyway, someone on the little_details comm posted a link to this, and I went 'Dude, that's an awesome idea!'. Except that it seems to mostly be for original characters in original or historical/real world settings. And honestly, where's the fun in limiting it to just that? So what I'm thinking could probably best be summed up as 'penpal RP'. In essence - one of my characters, original or canon, would be a penpal so someone else's character, again original or canon. I think doing them cross-canon would be more fun than within canons, although I may have to instate some basic rules to deal with the multiverse-stuff. E-mail is the easy default for this, although I'm personally willing to do pen and paper with someone I can trust with my address (pen and paper is fun, because you can fool around with handwriting and paper and decorations).

I've done stuff like this before, mostly within my little cosplay group, and it's been lots of fun (I have the best birthday card in the world somewhere, from Cain and Maryweather to Alexis). Soooo. What are other people's thoughts on this? I want opinions here ^^

And while I am at it...*shameless pimping*
momijizukamori: (Default)
Big important question time! Who out of my friends is coming to Anime Evolution, and more importantly, which of those coming to AE are not also coming to Yaoicon? I have the possibility of going to AE, but the schedule is kinda bad, because it's two weeks before UBC's move-in day, so I have to pay to stay on campus in between, which is only $25 CDN a night, but it adds up. I'm definately going to Yaoicon, though, so I'll see at least some of you guys there, but I'm trying to decide if AE is worth the extra $300+ it'd be for me to go, and I have to decide in the next two days or so. I can live with the missed cosplay opportunities (I'll just talk people into photoshoots later. And by 'people' I mostly mean Jo, because I need a Leon, damnit), but the people-situation is different.

Also, opinions wanted! Mostly because I think it's a good idea, but it'll only work out if other people think so too.


momijizukamori: (Default)
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