Sep. 27th, 2006


Sep. 27th, 2006 09:38 am
momijizukamori: (Leon Kennedy // Lone Wolf)
For the third lecture in a row, my Bio prof is out. And for the third lecture in the row, nobody has bothered to send out an e-mail or anything. It irritates me, and I live on-campus - a good chunk of my class most likely busses, possibly from Burnaby and Richmohnd, which is an hour ride at best. Today is definately looking like a two cups of tea sort of day, though.

In better news - the neighbor has finally gotten the hint, possibly because I went and asked her to turn the music down every day for four or five in a row. Which means that during the day, it is now at a tolerable level (ie, if I have music on, I can't har it), and it's gone at night. And the new tv is working out stupendously, even if it's still just sitting on my floor. But I can sit at my desk and play video games, which I did for several hours yesterday, and will probably do so today, too, at least before I have to go to work tonight.

Also, self? Gym. Today. No excuses.
momijizukamori: (Ada/Leon)
Hikawa is so sketchy. The 80s suit, the receeding hairline, the really suggestive pose as he talks to you... Yeah, Hikawa totally wants Hitoshura's ass. Then again, though, who doesn't?


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