Oct. 13th, 2006


Oct. 13th, 2006 12:33 pm
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
The Biological Sciences Society had an info session for potential Bio majors last night, and I went because it's my second choice of majors, and because they promised free food. This ended up being a good plan, as I learned important information (Co-op and the Cell Bio and Genetics major both require a 70% minimum average), met a fellow gigantic bio nerd who's in my building, and spent about an hour and a half talking with her, and one of the Cell Bio and Genetics advisors.

Apparently all the hardcore science nerds are hiding out in Science One, which I didn't do because I didn't want to do first year English and Calc again, but they do exist! And the prof we talked to didn't think we were total brown-nosers for wanting to volunteer in labs this year - I think he just thought we were great big enthusiastic bio nerds, which is the truth.

And god, I really hope I just have a cold and not strep - the girl on the other side of me (not the loud one) had strep a week or two back so now I'm all worried, as I feel like crap and have the begining of a sore throat. Do not want strep during the con.


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