Jan. 13th, 2007


Jan. 13th, 2007 04:08 am
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
I've had lot of things on my mind lately - some good, some bad, and some that's not really either. Still, largely not really the type of stuff for this blog, because it's all hideously long-winded and introspective, and it won't help me to post any of it, and some of it is best kept to myself, I think. But it's a strange state to find myself in - good for me, though. There may be bits and pieces here, probably mostly science-related - I've found myself contemplating that a lot recently, and I find myself somewhat without an outlet among my friends - almost all of you guys are Arts-kids, and while I love you for that, sometimes I need someone who knows what the hell I'm talking about when I go off on tangential rants about the possibility of Yersinia pestis as a bioterrorism agent and the like. Yana does, although she gives me the 'silly Microbi geek...' eyeroll a lot (big words from a girl with the Krebs cycle on her wall), but that's it, really.

Speaking of science, I've added another resolution for myself this year - read one new scientific paper a week. Because I realised that while yeah, I don't understand a lot of the terminology or concepts, I have two options - I can sit on my ass until third and fourth year, when they start teaching some of these concepts, or with the amazing power of the internet, I can sit down and do the little bit extra I need to learn something new. We'll see how it works out.


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