Feb. 22nd, 2007

momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
Yes, my package of shinies has arrived, and with it, DDS1 and Persona 2. I've played through the first two hours of the former, so these are initial thoughts (I've also reached the 9th ep of Devil Summoner, but in the interests of keeping spoilers seperate, I'll save it for later). Non-spoiler thoughts: More Final Fantasy-ish than Nocturne, although not to the point where it's irritating. Nocturne and FF's bastard child, I guess. Combat is a slightly slimmed down version of Nocturne's, and less soul-crushingly difficult. It's also utterly gorgeous, and the music is awesome. Plot looks intriguing thus far, and it's only two hours in, which is better than some games *coughFF8cough* Now, for the more spoilery stuff (although, like I said, first two hours, so nothing too big):

Also, it's kind of long )
momijizukamori: (Default)
[livejournal.com profile] forelyse tagged me for this a couple days ago - I have a fantastic tension-headache right now, and need to take a deep breath and just chill.

Name ten things (in no particular order) that make you happy and tag five others:
1) Hugs
2) A nice hot cup of tea
3) Sleeping in
4) Mail
5) Chocolate
6) Cats
7) Cat macros
8) Long hot showers
9) Good fic/art for my favorite pairings (particularly the obscure ones)
10) Laundry fresh out of the dryer

Tagging: [livejournal.com profile] minasehijiri, [livejournal.com profile] kin_leung, [livejournal.com profile] riddled, [livejournal.com profile] kurosakihisoka, [livejournal.com profile] naoka_chan

And now, a nice hot cup of tea ♥


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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