Mar. 21st, 2007


Mar. 21st, 2007 11:48 am
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
Wow... took me so long to read this thread... let's make this thread the longest ever
So... i'm a first year rookie trying to survive in this hell built by people who are thirst
for knowledge. And... of course my initial goal here was also medical school. But after
seeing the massive number of people trying to get into that "holy place", i was greatly
discouraged. But i'm still thinkin' about med school tho. I mean i think seeing a patient
recovering under your care is a really rewarding thing. But i'm not THAT passionate
about medicine, which is why i should also be thinkin' about other programs like
pharmacology or physiology maybe?
Now i'm really confused about what i should do with my life... kinda sad eh? I don't
have much volunteer experience, but an average around 90 in MOST courses (just
found out i'll probably end up with below 80 in Bio 121). What program do you experienced
UBC veterans suggest for me? I mean... what are ya'll doing, and do you like what you
are doing? What's it like to do graduate studies, and does it bring income?

Have I mentioned how much I dislike pre-med grade-whores? This same guy was whining about getting a mark in the high seventies in Bio 121 (the same class I pulled a 60% in first term, with a class average of 70%). Seriously, dude, you're the reason Chem 233 has 55% class averages. Go into pharmacology so you can make the big bucks, 'cause if I get into Microbi and find you, I'll hit you myself.

And I am totally making a t-shirt that says 'Yes, I'm in Bio. No, I am _not_ pre-med'
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
E-mail count: 5

Yeah, not much, I know, but I have this crippling irrational fear that the profs are going to send me some totally harsh e-mail back telling me that I suck and to never speak to them again (look, I said it was irrational). So far, I've had one 'ask me again in the fall' and one 'possibly', who still hasn't gotten back to me with a definite (if I don't have a reply by tomorrow evening, I'm e-mailing her again - only prof who I'm not afraid is going to eat me alive).

In related news, I learned today that I am not actually totally screwed into getting into Microbi here - I thought they ranked purely by total average in the five required classes, and then took the top eighty or so of that to admit, which, with a quoted admissions average of 82%, would mean doing stupidly well in the almighty weeder that is Chem 233. Luckily, this isn't what they do - they take a single class, rank everyone by grade, and then the top eighty-two people get two points, the next forty-two get one, and everyone after that gets zero. They do this for each of the five required classes, add the points up, and then take the top eighty-two of that - combined average is only used to decide if there's ties at the cut-off point. Apparently the top eighty-two cut-off in Chem 233 is somewhere around 60% - so I actually may have a chance here.


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