momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
E-mail count: 5

Yeah, not much, I know, but I have this crippling irrational fear that the profs are going to send me some totally harsh e-mail back telling me that I suck and to never speak to them again (look, I said it was irrational). So far, I've had one 'ask me again in the fall' and one 'possibly', who still hasn't gotten back to me with a definite (if I don't have a reply by tomorrow evening, I'm e-mailing her again - only prof who I'm not afraid is going to eat me alive).

In related news, I learned today that I am not actually totally screwed into getting into Microbi here - I thought they ranked purely by total average in the five required classes, and then took the top eighty or so of that to admit, which, with a quoted admissions average of 82%, would mean doing stupidly well in the almighty weeder that is Chem 233. Luckily, this isn't what they do - they take a single class, rank everyone by grade, and then the top eighty-two people get two points, the next forty-two get one, and everyone after that gets zero. They do this for each of the five required classes, add the points up, and then take the top eighty-two of that - combined average is only used to decide if there's ties at the cut-off point. Apparently the top eighty-two cut-off in Chem 233 is somewhere around 60% - so I actually may have a chance here.


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