Mar. 30th, 2007


Mar. 30th, 2007 11:26 am
momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
Another hell-week draws to a close, although I still have a Chem midterm to pass.

On the cosplay front, the main bits of Rinoa's duster are cut and sewn, although I still need trim to finish the edges, and we need to paint the wings on. Chiaki is nearing done - have a few seams on the bustline left to sew, and then the collar - bustline should be done tonight, I think. Going to have to hit up Dressew tomorrow after my work lunch (free all-you-can-eat Japanese? I can't say no) - the hours are terrible, which means most weekdays are right out.

On the lab front - not so good. My one big 'possibly' said she doesn't have anything at all this summer, and confirmed two of my big fears - funding is really thin at the moment, which means that nobody has any money to pay undergrads, and the microbi department at least prefers upperclassmen with more experience. Microbiolgy and Immunology here is a very lab-intensive program, which is in some senses totally awesome, but it also brings a few negatives - this, and the fact that program admission is limited by the number of seats in the lab classes. I got another possibly from someone else - he said to e-mail him again this past Monday to arrange a meeting time, I did, and he never e-mailed me back. Which means I have to write another one today sometime. If this doesn't work may be time to call it quits for the moment, if only because I need to put time and energy into finding a job that will actually pay me.

Almost summer break. So close...
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
Something my Bio prof just said, after using musical chairs as an analogy for the way electrons move in photosystems in phototrophs:

Prof: ...Does everyone here know musical chairs?

Nobody says anything or raises a hand.

Prof: Alright, if you don't know, you can ask your neighbor.
Prof: It's a cruel game to subject children to.


momijizukamori: (Default)

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