Apr. 18th, 2007

momijizukamori: (Default)
Rosie, Justin and I totally just marathoned Elfen Lied. We didn't set out with the intention to do this, but one or two episodes to turned into a lot of episodes, and once you hit ep ten of a fourteen episode series, there's no point in stopping, really. It was...well, really fucked up, but pretty good at the same time. I dunno, I'll think of more intelligent comments after I get some sleep.

Two finals left! Think I did well on the English one - rambled for three pages about how Paradise Lost fits the conventions of an epic poem, because if there's one thing I do know incredibly well, it's epic poems. Taking a physics final on six hours of sleep isn't going to be fun, though. Impossible, no, but not enjoyable (not that, y'know, physics is enjoyable to begin with).


Apr. 18th, 2007 04:30 pm
momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
I was totally about to post ranting about my missing biology textbook, when what should I spy the the spine of it sticking out from under my scarf and container of cookies but the binding. Life is funny like that sometimes.

Physics was in fact miserable - I know I totally futzed up the simple harmonic motion/traveling wave bits, and I think I also killed the interference questions, mostly because I couldn't remember exactly what the units the formulas are written for (m versus cm versus nm). Still, I think I passed, and that's the big thing for that class. Aiming for a 75% average for the year, but if I did really well on my other finals, I may be able to still manage it.

Now, studying for Bio and enjoying the sun for a few hours before Shadowrun tonight~


momijizukamori: (Default)
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