May. 10th, 2007

momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
One of the few things that can help salvage a day after only getting five hours of slee? Doing really well in orgo lab. It was recrystallizations, which I think are fun, personally. The first one took me three tries to get really good crystals out of, but the second, harder one? First try. The TA seemed impressed - he said most people can't get the purity and crystal quality I had right off. This will make work this afternoon a little more tolerable, I hope.

The five hours of sleep thing is my own fault, too....through a somewhat convoluted and not very interesting chain of events, Aaron (one of the other Shadowrun players) and I ended up heading over to our GM's house (he lives with the third Shadowrun player), around 8:30, and at that point, it was too late, and our GM was feeling too sick to run an RP that night, so we ended up playing the A Game of Thrones boardgame until around 12:15, as we lost track of time. Unfortunately, at that point, all the easy buses back to my place had stopped running, just leaving one of the night buses that ran every half an hour. Get on, ask the bus driver the best way to get back home and he says 'Get off at Granville and pick up the next bus coming down there, I have to cut through downtown first', so I do so. And then wait, and wait, and wait for the next bus, and when it finally comes - it's the same bus driver! Which made me rather unhappy after having waited in the cold outside for twenty minutes. But I got home, and got talked into joining another campaign, so it's all okay in the end.
momijizukamori: (Dante/Virgil)
I totally work in the best department in the store. Why? We had a mini-BBQ randomly, so I got a free dinner of two hamburgers and some grilled onions and squash. This job is definately better than my last one.

I think I'm finally starting to settle in again, which is good - being depressed just makes me miserable, and makes nobody else want to be around me. The roommate wasn't kidding when she said she's not around much - I haven't seen her for the past two or three days. I like having the place to myself, though.

Oh, and a link to share, because I know there's a few other Divine Comedy fans who'll enjoy this - Homer/Virgil/Dante pr0n, which makes me ridiculously happy XD; Someone is selling a copy of the DMC doujin 'Bless' on ebay, which I totally want, because it's super-cute (and has Eva!), but at the same time, extra money should really be put towards seeing friends/concerts/a cellphone rather than a doujinshi which will mostly just sit on my shelf a lot.


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