May. 11th, 2007

Go Me!

May. 11th, 2007 11:41 pm
momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
I just finished the somewhat epic task of installing new firmware on my mp3 player, retagging a bunch of my music files, redoing playlists (I resorted my files back in December, which means all the file paths changed, which means the playlists weren't any good), and importing all of this to my mp3 player via my new version of Winamp. It was, thankfully, successfu, which means I can listen to my favorite FST ever (That Turks one I always talk about - it's good though!), and the Revolting Cocks song I've been loving on recently (although possibly not in public, as it makes me want to dance, a lot). I've got a few more playlists to redo at some point, but I did up most of my favorites.

Went for a nice little walk today, and stopped in to a discount kitchen supply store and fantasized about all the pans I'm going to buy when I have some spare cash - yeah, I know I'm insane - and then wandered up and down 10th some. Contemplating renting a movie, but it's more fun with friend and/or microwave popcorn, of which I had neither at the moment. Another day, perhaps.

In RP news, I'm quitting RR - figure it's best to leave before I end up disliking people associated with it permanently - and considering an elven illusionist for Earthdawn. Possibly a very flamboyant elven illusionist. It's actually a pretty interesting setting - I knew nothing about it going in but that it was fantasy (joined the game more because the other players are awesome and the GM is super-awesome), but I was pleasantly surprised when I read the backgound info in the massive player's guide. It's a little grittier and wilder than most Generic Fantasy settings - just enough darkness to keep it interesting without veering off into V:tM territory (apologies to the White Wolf/Vampire fans, is pretty stereotypically Goth). I'd love to play a blood elf, but strongly suspect they aren't meant to be part of the elf race given for players, and have not quite managed to cur GM's favor to the extent where I could talk him into it.


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