Dec. 3rd, 2007

momijizukamori: (Default)
I would much rather sit inside my house and clean and read Mage books by myself than go out to UBC to play Fireborn. This is in part because while it has stopped snowing, it is still cold and wet and windy outside, and in part because I haven't been having that much fun in the game lately. I know it's basically self-fulfilling: I'm not that interested, so I involve myself less, and then have less fun, and become even less interested. This is in part because we've spent the last two months or so of sessions chasing after one goal, and because I've managed to get myself into a corner as far as characterization goes. It's fantasy in the modern world, so I decided it would be fun to play the skeptical cynic who doesn't believe in any of this stuff (counter to the rest of the party, who question nothing). Things have been getting increasingly weird, but she's largely written this all off as either a dream, hallucination, or psychotic break. The problem with this is that now that particular personality point has been made, I can't turn around and suddenly be 'Okay, all of this weird shit is real!' without it being horribly out of character, and I can't think of a suitable catalyst for the change. I dunno, if someone else smacks her and points out the 'look, you were just talking to a _whale_. Underwater.' bit, that might do it.

I did get most of my dishes washed today, though, so my kitchen looks like normal people live here now XD; Next up, living room.


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