May. 22nd, 2008


May. 22nd, 2008 03:29 am
momijizukamori: (Devil Pimp)
I bought the last two volumes of Transmetropolitan last week, and finally got around to reading them tonight. Awesome, as usual, and I have to give Warren Ellis mad props for pulling of an amazing ending. Endings are always tricky, and endings of serials exponentially so - this one was satisfying, conclusive, and not actually a total downer.

And it got me thinking - Transmet, on the surface, is a very cyberpunk comic. At it's core, though, it starts to transcend genre - it's a story about the power of words, and of The Truth. The Truth is not always good, and not always nice, but it's still something to strive for.

And coming in on a similar vein, an entry about the reasons and nature of blogging. I find a lot of what Sam says there ringing true for me - I blog, both to share my news, opinions, and tirades with the world, and to keep a record for myself. That record is seven and a half years long now, and still chugging along. I know I've been negelectful, recently - some of it is a habit born out of last summer, I think, when I had very limited internet. I got in the habit of not posting, and never really broke it. Life has also become somewhat routine as of late, which has far less potential for interesting or amusing things to happen, particularly as I tend to forget them when they do - work, for example, is good for at least one nutbar customer a week, the current one being the woman who insisted that our Yukon Gold potatoes were in fact overgrown White Rose potatoes, and she knows this because she's a horticulturist, and grows potatoes and writes for magazines. I did a great deal of smiling and nodding.

But I'd really like to pick myself up out of my journaling slump, and maybe get some new graphics up eventually.


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