Sep. 13th, 2008

momijizukamori: (WoW!Ally)
Because the only other thing I have to blog about is school, and there's not much to say about that - genetics is win, biostats is easy, everything else is alright. So, gaming it is!

Earthdawn: Managed to escape almost certain death with only a Horror mark and an ancient ritual written on metahuman skin >.> The ritual may help us accomplish our goal of sealing away one of the nastiest Named Horrors in the world, but it may be all lies. We haven't killed J's warrior yet, but only because we need the meatshield.

Shadowrun I: has been canceled in a fit of fanboy rage over the newest book, to be replaced by...

Mage: We haven't actually started playing yet, but I'm excited. We've got a pretty cohesive group going, aside from perhaps the mixed martial artist (J, again).

Shadowrun II: We finally got through the first adventure! And also witnessed the opposite ends of the fixer spectrum - Predator's gang contact, Jorge, and Harlequin's high-class fixer, Byron (yes, he looks somewhat like the Byron. And hangs around gentlemen's clubs).

World of Darkness: Soon to be a Hunter: The Vigil campaign! My character's lab has been infested with evil rats who are stealing lab equipment and brewing things in the fume hoods at night :<

World of Warcraft: Hit 70, started raiding. It's fun! Not much else to say than that XD


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But now...for my greatest trick...

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