Feb. 16th, 2009


Feb. 16th, 2009 02:42 am
momijizukamori: (Astareal)
Blizzard has decided to forgive me, I think - Naxxramas went amazingly tonight. We one-shot eight bosses, and two-shot a ninth, and I got two awesome upgrades. Hopefully the Construct Quarter and Frostwyrm Lair will go as smoothly tomorrow.

In other gaming news (as gaming is the only interesting thing I do - everything else would be whining about school), our Hunter game dissolved because one player left, and we didn't have a very cohesive group, and has been replaced by GURPS Alpha Centauri. When we left our party, the Spartan bioroid and the decommissioned Peacekeeper cyborg were about to get into a bar fight, with the small, angry, humanity-hating ex-University computer genius caught in the middle, while the empathic, electrokinetic detective meets with a client at another table. We'll see if we get through session two without party deaths.

My Earthdawn game is set to finally start this week - I'm both excited and very nervous, because ED is such a story-heavy system and I am not always so good at story. So, fingers-crossed. I've also decided to keep an in-character log of our Tuesday night Earthdawn game, mostly as a characterisation exercise, as I've been having trouble finding a voice for Isak. It's up here - there will probably be some exposition in the next few days, as Isak is aware that he's writing for an audience as well,given that his IC reason for keeping it is to provide a counterpoint to that pack of lies Dawnstrider calls a journal.


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But now...for my greatest trick...

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