Mar. 30th, 2009

momijizukamori: (Dante/Virgil)
So I woke up this morning from an anxiety nightmare, where in I was ten minutes late for my last animal physiology midterm, not because I had forgotten about it, or failed to set my alarm or anything usual and mundane. Instead, I dreamt I was late because I was at the post office attempting to to mail a package of uncooked ground beef. And the problem wasn't that the clerks objected to me mailing raw meat, it was that I hadn't brought enough paper to wrap the whole thing in.

Of course, I did end up being five minutes late to the midterm, but for the rather more boring reason that the first bus passed my stop was full and couldn't pick up any more passengers, so I had to wait for the next one.

Also, two unrelated moments of planning fail which more or less neutralize each other - realizing that the convention is in two weeks, not three (with costume still unfinished), and then realizing that the 3-4,000 word paper that I thought was due Wednesday is actually due Friday. Luckily I don't have too much left to do on the costumes, and I had already started in on research for the paper, so It all works out in the end.


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