Apr. 27th, 2009

FF7 Bits

Apr. 27th, 2009 03:33 am
momijizukamori: (Cookie!X: My Fandom...)
Reinstalled FF7 because I have been on a major Turks kick lately, and with finals done, I actually have gaming time now \o/ Also it keeps me distracted from rereading A Long, Hard Road for like the four time because I hate myself (great fic, but I would be MIA for like a week). And man, I had forgotten how much of a dick Cloud is at the beginning of the game. Barret's all like 'We have to save the _Planet_, man!' and Cloud is like 'Whatever, I don't give a shit as long as I get paid." Seriously Cloud, you're more apathetic than some Shadowrunners I know.

Also, I love how the game proudly informed me when I installed it that it used the latest in 3D technology, and that I might need to install new video drivers to run it. Yes, Squaresoft, your DirectX 5 game is obviously far too mighty for my DirectX 9 system (actually, this is sort of true - there's a known crash bug in the game under any Windows later than 98 - there's a fanwritten patch you have to install to fix it)


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