Apr. 29th, 2009

momijizukamori: (I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!)
I went and bought stuff today \o/ Most of it planned, though a few little impulse items I know I won't regret.

-BPAL - A bottle of Thunder Moon (for $12!) and a bottle of Eanach Dhuin (which smells just like the wonderful and long-discontinued Dublin on me)
-Pair of black New Balance trainers (hopefully will help with the knee/back pain I had at work last summer)
-Lush bubble bath bombs
-Cheap posters (Two Zelda, one X, one FF7 and one FFX)
-New glasses prescription

...Okay, so I didn't quite 'buy' the last one, but I did have to pay money to obtain it. Apparently my left eye has gotten even worse, which means that there's pretty much one and only one brand of coloured contacts I can buy (The Acuvue 2 Opaques, which go up to -9.00 - my new glasses prescription is -9.25), although it seems like most of the normal ones go up to -12.00. I also got my eyes dilated for the first time, which was a deeply strange experience - I wandered around for about two hours afterwards looking like a grey or something - there was almost no iris showing. It's kind of worn off now, although my pupils still aren't changing quite right in response to light.

(Also, re: There is no homosexuality in Star Wars, I offer this)


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But now...for my greatest trick...

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