May. 27th, 2009

momijizukamori: (Default)
So, started the day kind of unhappy because Crazy Buckle Vest is still at an impasse, and I haven't recieved a shipping notice for the fingerless gloves I bought on Friday, and Canada Post has been hella slow lately, but I went out to Value Village in search of shoes for Uranus, and came back with many things!

-First and foremost, I did actually find the perfect pair of boots to cover for Uranus - pair of three-inch stiletto heel, just-short-of-midcalf brown leather boots. Really nice, I almost feel guilty about the fact that I'm going to be gluing blue satin all over them.

-Movies! Because I realized it's actually cheaper to buy the $2 VHS tapes there than to rent a DVD. Grabbed Galaxy Quest, To Wong Foo, Terminator (which I have never seen!), the Star Trek 25th anniversery special (it looks to be cheesy, but hopefully awesomely so), and The Secret of Nimh (my childhoooood)

-Books! Which I can get for free from the library, but they had a few I actually wanted to own - Abhorsen, Angel of Darkness, and then a copy of the Moosewood Cookbook from the mid-90s and a bartending guide from 2004

-And, last but not least, a shot glass chess set. Bought it for the sheer WTF factor because it was only $8 - not sure it will ever actually used to play chess, as, to quote Jon, "After I lost about four pawns I think I'd just give up and drink the king," but it's still pretty awesome.
momijizukamori: (Default)
Testing text posting :)

EDIT: Sweet, I can update my LJ via text message now, which means the internet will get to hear of all the amusing shit that happens at work before I forget it.

Re: Gloves

May. 27th, 2009 10:03 pm
momijizukamori: (Default)
Dear momijizukamori,

The LR10 (small) were temporarily out of stock. We have more on the way, and hopefully will ship by the end of next week via USPS Priority. I apologize for the delay. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

fffffffffff I HATE YOU WORLD. It's like life wants me to have crappy Rufus gloves for all eternity. (Con is June 12-14th, International Priority is going to be a week minimum, probably closer to two because Canada Post is full of failure)

BRB drowning my sorrows (metaphorically) with a bubble bath.


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