Jan. 8th, 2010

momijizukamori: (Default)
Roommate: I am officially a trap now.
Me: Huh?
Roommate: I went by the club today and four people thought I was some new girl
Me: *lols forever*

So I went back to the States for Christmas, and came back home for New Year's, and while it was all very busy I don't think much of note actually happened. The Museum of Science is still awesome, Finale is still delicious, and New England in winter is still fucking cold. Got to see some people I haven't seen in a while, which was nice - Winter and my grandmother, most notably.

Christmas gifts can largely be summed up as 'video games' and 'money which I used to buy video games', thus cementing my rep as a Huge Nerd. Am most of the way through Persona 3 FES and enjoying it immensely, and then Jon and I started Tales of Symphonia (go go multiplayer battle system!), which is also quite fun even if at times it feels like FFX - With Ten-Year-Olds! Seriously, Colette is so much like a teeny!Yuna, it's great.

Classes have started again - retaking the animal physio class I failed again (blah blah blah boring), Shakespeare and Children's Lit as online classes (interesting texts, not too much reading, but so much writing @.@ Weekly discussion questions and journal entries), Ethical Issues in the Life Sciences (mmm philosophy - also lots of writing), and Interdisciplinary Applications of Evolutionary Theory (mmm, memetics. And writing. And presentations).


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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