Mar. 15th, 2010

momijizukamori: (Default)
Some minor linkspam to start the post off, because they are worth sharing

-Kim Jong Il macros! Which I find way funnier than I probably should. I think it's the silly fuzzy hat.
-Clarion - Braska-centric FFX gen fic. Beautiful, and absolutely heartbreaking.

The second was kind of a fortuitous find - I've been feeling like I can't really get a grasp on writing Braska lately, I think in part because of the copious amounts of Ukitake I've been writing. They're just similiar enough to start to bleed into each other, even though they've got very different outlooks sometimes. I've actually been kind of fail about RP stuff in general this month - I've got very little CR for anyone who's actually active, and it seems like too much effort to push for more, so...I don't know. I'll have to come up with something to keep from failing activity checks, sigh.

I also managed to inadvertently invert my sleep cycle over the weekend, by getting not enough sleep Thursday night, staying up way too late Friday night, and then sleeping in until 5:30 Saturday evening. At which point I went 'fuck it', went to bed for a few more hours, got up at 7:30, stayed up until 11am Sunday, went back to sleep until 1:30 this morning and have been up since. Sigh, my neurochemistry.

On the video game front: played more Tales of the Abyss. Luke continues to be annoying (although he shows signs of improvement), Jade continues to be a magnificent bastard, and I am getting really sick of the hideous load times. I have also fallen in love with the dungeon finder in WoW for level 80 heroics because it allows me to do what I enjoy doing most (instancing) without having to spam LFG every ten minutes. Plus bonus emblems and money, mmmmm. Alixia is now two-piece T9, which is happy fun times~


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