Mar. 30th, 2010

momijizukamori: (Isamu | solitude)
So two things have occurred in the last three days:

1) My laptop ate another battery. This makes three which have died on me (one within a week of getting it), and this one is really dead. I have to shut the computer down entirely just to move it between rooms, as there's no power even for hibernate. I am so happy for Ubuntu's short boot times now.

2) The house modem has kicked the bucket. We've been having issues on and off for the past two months, but my landlord went to reset it today to try and fix the latest round of connectivity issues and now it's totally gone. ETA on a new one is three days.

The collective effect is that I want to tear my hair out even more than I did already. I won't be on AIM much, as internet at home = wireless tethering, and while I have a cushy data plan on my phone, it's not that cushy, so I'll probably be leaving it off except when I'm actively doing internet stuff.

This week is just...idk, I have to laugh because otherwise I'd scream and throw things at walls. I'm actually doing okay on sewing when I sit down and look at it objectively, but I'm so used to being really far behind at this point that my anxiety has skyrocketed anyway, which makes everything seem out of control (and then I panic, and then things actually are out of control, and my neurochemistry). The info packet from the sleep clinic actually finally showed up in the mail today though, so hooray for one bit of Important Administrative Shit getting done.

I also wrote more Ukitake!genderswap fic, because this AU is slowly consuming my brain. That, and I have a lot of time to think about things when I'm spending most of my afternoons sewing. Not sure when I will actually post more, as I just have a fragment of a scene that needs like, two scenes before it to make sense, but I'm kind of amazed that there are ideas in my brain and they actually link up properly and everything. I think Jyuushiko now beats Jorim for 'RP character with the most backstory scenes written up'. Though Tseng has a ton of headcanon that I've never bothered to write up, it just kind of shows up in random conversations with Sheska.


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