momijizukamori: (Default)
"One should take care, not to grow too wise for so great a pleasure as laughter." - John Addison

Quote of the day is aimed at [ profile] ariseishirou, from my father, when I told him how much you had been studying ^^

So. Some amusing tidbits from school today, because I actually remembered them today. Anthony spilled his juice all over his white shirt at lunch trying to catch a flying milk bottle. It faded to a rather neon pink, which we spent the rest of the day making fun of. We also spent most of lunch debating the qualities of various types of milk. It was largely decided (i.e., by everyone but Grace) that whole milk is just plain gross on it's own. Opinions differed a bit after that...I was in favor of 1% or 2%, as I think skim has no taste, but Emily and Anthony prefer skim. Chris was too busy being Grace's giant uke to offer much of an opinion ^^

Want to know what the scariest thing about this conversation is? This is the normalest one we've had in a while. Usually topics range more in the field of the strangest pair of underwear we own is, or the screw-off penis Emily apparently has, at least according to Anthony. Anthony amuses me greatly ^^ Especially during Gym, because he gets way too worked up about how our volleyball game is going. He starts flipping out if we're losing, or falling to the ground ranting.

So...other than that...not much happening, really. Oh! It looks like I'm going to be doing Link in Soul Caliber 2 form at Sakuracon with the big group coordinated by [ profile] sporkkunoichi. Haven't decided on which color to do, as I get a choice, although the purple is mightly tempting ^^


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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