momijizukamori: (Roy: chibi-evil)
...Mostly because I'm too sleepy to write much more ^^;

Have hat for cosplay, it looks nice, my hair is all gel-filled as a result (It's too long, I was trying to make it look vaguely Roy-like to try the whole thing on). I am largely pleased.

I was also showing Michelle some of the Japanese eps of FMA that I had on my computer, and noticed that in 15, Marco says the Ishbal war happened 13 years ago. What does this have to do with Roy? The realization that Roy was _really_ young during that war. The manga at least puts his present-day age at 29, which most people seem to accept as anime-canon too. Thirteen years would put him at sixteen, if you give a year or two of fighting before the state alchemists are called in, eighteen. Which made me go '...Wow.' Although, it does explain a few questions I had about his motivations for some things.

As for the character file...I <3 it, although it is definately crack XD It starts off with a song that sounds a lot like some of Sei's character songs from the TB soundtracks. As in, wonderfully cheesy 80's pop that grows on you so much XD And then there's the sort of 60's-ish piece that I don't really know what's going on in, but it's not bad. And then...then there is the Roy/Riza swing duet XD Which I am in love with, even if I'm kind of 'Eh' on Riza's singing voice (it's growning on me). But now Roy is totally going to be associated with Sinatra and stuff in my brain. Which isn't nessecerially a bad thing ^^

And totally randomly, Michelle and I were also rewatching dub ep 5, and Travis wins (Winz XD?) for the annoyed, 'I am thirty seconds away from setting you on fire' Roy. Because it was so perfect, and made me laugh, and then later attempt to imitate it to Michelle before she had seen ep 5, just to share how much I loved it ^^

And now, Night Watch and sleep ^^


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