momijizukamori: (Default)
These are in no real particular order, I'm just going to write things as I think of them.

...It's a bad sign that part of me is more upset about the Lupin/Tonks thing than Dumbledore dying. However, I do admit that Remus/Sirius is pretty much my only real true OTP, where the thought of either of them with anybody else makes my brain scream 'NO NONONO BAD PLAN DOES NOT COMPUTE!' Also, it took until the begining of this book for the fact that Sirius really is dead to start sinking in, I think. And ahaha, Remus really was off being a hobo, sorta XD It was nice to see him actually really talking about his past or his family at all, as he's not really the type to do it much. Dear JKR, more Remus character development in HP6!

As for Snape - we'll see how things work out with all the double-crossing. I'm not going to try and call the shots here, because I honestly think at this point it could swing either way. Yes, Dumbledore trusted him, but the fact that everybody seems to think that he's still on the Order's side makes me think that things are a little more complicated than that. I'm also kicking myself for not figuring out that Snape was the Prince earlier - I considered the possibility briefly, but thought that Snape would be smarter than to leave his old book full of notes and stuff just laying around like that. But the handwriting and the fact that the Prince was good at Potions should have been a dead giveaway. It was also interesting to learn a little more about his parents, particularly coupled with the glimpse of them we saw inside Snape's mind in OotP. Although, I suppose while they seem not to fit, they give even more reason for Snape to dislike his Muggle father. I suspect more will come in the next book, so I'll just have to sit tight and wait.

And then, Draco. I was happy to see him have a state of being other than 'arrogant asshole', which I think has made me like him a bit more. He seemed truly conflicted, and it'll be very interesting to see how his alliances align themselves in the next book. Harry's obsession with him was amusing, though XD;

Speaking of Harry - it was nice to see him not be a whiny emo kid this book. And I've discovered that I really don't care at all who the main trio hook up with. I though Ginny/Harry and all that would bug me, but it didn't.

I also concur with most other people in thinking that 'RAB' may be Regulus Black, not just because of the initials, but also because something about the handwriting seems to echo that of Sirius's in the Map back in PoA - it's the curve of some of the letters, and the line-thickness. Yes, I'm a dork for noticing these things.

...I think there was more, but I can't remember now. Maybe later XD

...I could have sworn there was more


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