momijizukamori: (Default)
Because I don't have much in the way of thinky stuff to talk about.

Whip It: Old, but something Greenie linked to the other day reminded me that I totally meant to post about how awesome this movie is and didn't when I saw it. It is so awesome that 1) I went by myself to see it at the theatre and 2) I cried in the theatre while watching it. It is Dead Poets Society with kickass girls and a happy ending. It takes most of the traditional Inspirational Sports Movie tropes and subverts them. I may actually buy this on DVD it was that good.

Sherlock Holmes: Okay so I think everyone already knows this was awesome, but I feel like adding my two cents. Watson is awesome! Holmes is gay for him! I've seen some complaints about the story being too cheesy but crazy supernatural ooga-booga is pretty much on part for the stories - Dan Brown has just kind of made us sick of grand secret society conspiracy theories, I think.

Daybreakers: Vampires! Who don't sparkle! Predictable story, but lots of fun nonetheless. Very bloody and dystopic (I love that like all the vampires smoke because none of them have to worry about lung cancer any more)

Tales of Symphonia: OH MY GOD WHY DID I WAIT THIS LONG TO PLAY THIS GAME. It's like Zelda's dungeon layouts teamed up with Secret of Mana's combat system to go kidnap FFX's plot. And yeah, it's about as awesome as that makes it sound. Some plot elements are kind of predictable, but it's ridiculously fun and has totally been sucking my time away from P3.


momijizukamori: (Default)
But now...for my greatest trick...

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