momijizukamori: (Sparda : Sins)
So, I'm thinking about going to Arisia in January, just for a change of pace - haven't been in about four years. It wasn't really my thing then, but I think it was because I was a lot younger - a lot of their panel topics look really good, it'll be nice to hang with a more mature crowd, and apparently the period dance this year is going to be Phantom-themed. Will probably pull out some interesting old stuff, and maybe do a little something for the dance, costume-wise.

Anime Boson, I'm alreally pre-registered for, but I would like to try and get together some groups to split hotel costs - anyone game? The costume run-down:
-Summoner Yuna (which is mostly done, just need to do wig and put some final bits together)
-Teenage!Seishirou (needs collar pins, and pants that haven't faded in the wash, but otherwise done)
-Sephiroth (senior project + possible Masq entry, in-progress)
-Vergil? (If I've got some time after Sephiroth - I doubt I will, but you never know)

I also have a sort-of announcement, as I am now allowed to talk about it - I'm going to be one of the Hall Contest craftsmanship judges this year. Which means I will probably be disappeared off doing that parts of Friday and Saturday.

...I think my biggest challenge for Sephiroth is going to be dealing with my own lack of self-confidence. I've got the pants nearly done, just need to do waistband and hemming, and all I can think every time I look at them is 'Argh this sucks this sucks this sucks.'


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January 2025

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