momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So, I now have a Wesker-crack playlist on my mp3 player, which is very silly, but I couldn't help myself (actually, the greater irony is that I have a totally serious Dante playlist). I was listening to it this morning, and then had the Imperial March (more crack with that later) stuck in my head for all of my British History class. So the class more or less went like this:

Prof: Blah blah buy the books blah do the reading blah blah blah interpretation blah did I mention do the readings?
My Brain: Dum dum dum da-da dum da-da dum...

Anyway, for my last two classes, which I didn't talk about last time. I think I love Microbiology already - the professor has a wonderfuly dry sense of humor and has already make jokes about both STDs and bioterrorism, and mentioned Robert Hooke. Calc 4 will be...okay. The professor is tall and loud (although not quite unpleasantly so) and tends to write everything on the board six inches high, and all the homework is optional. So I'll survive it.

There will be more RE later, particulary as I'm almost done with RE0 and haven't talked about it at all, but for now - I've decided what I'm going to do for Halloween this year. Zombie-scientist, complete with a little Umbrella id badge. And possibly a sign that says '4 Itchy Tasty' just to see if anyone else will get the reference. Yeah, I'm a huge geek, I know.


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But now...for my greatest trick...

January 2025

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