momijizukamori: (Tax Seaon // Evil!Tatsumi)
So I went out and spent too much money this afternoon. As a result, I now have lots of cosplay supplies, including a black string bikini top, OMG, and thus have no excuse for not spending all of my free day tomorrow working on stuff. On the plus side, this means that Summoner Yuna is almost finished, and White Mage Yuna is starting to actually look like White Mage Yuna. Now I'm practically up to all the little fiddly hand-sewing bits. Which I could probably machine-sew, but they'd look like crap, probably. Note to self, which others are free to remind me of should I forget it: no commissions, ever, not even for friends. Unless they agree to the 'it gets done when I get around to it' clause, and even then, only if they're friends I know won't get annoyed by said clause.

Anyway. My other spending was on a birthday pressent for Jesse, which will be in the mail...uh...when I get around to it, which is my timeline for almost everything at the moment (Mara, make me post as Satsuki tomorrow. I keep saying I'll do it and then forgetting until it's two am and I don't have the brainpower to do it). And I finally caved and bought Kingdom Hearts II with some of the money I got for graduation, because I have no shame. I spent my free time this afternoon (and evening, and early morning) playing, and thus, have some begining thoughts (warning, spoilers through the first trip to Hollow Bastion).

-I like Roxas, a lot. Possibly even more than Sora. I think it helps that he's got a way better sense of fashion.
-Twilight Town feels better-fleshed out than most locales in Squeenix games - it's rather refreshing.
-Seifer is so ghetto-fabulous, it's unbelievable. Bits of his FF8 personality shine through occasionally, though - 'What are you doing here?' 'Why do you care?' 'I don't. Tell me anyway.'
-Raijin is not the sharpest tool in the shed. And needs to stop ending every sentance with 'y'know?'
-Fujin, however, is still pretty awesome, although no longer speaking in ALL CAPS. Which may be just as well, I don't know how they'd voice that.
-Axel is kind of like AC!Reno, but better, because he isn't on utter crack, even if he does have what sounds vaguely like a NY accent. Also, proof of Why You Do Not Piss Off Pyromancers. Mostly because they'll set you on fire.
-I was all sad when Sora came back and I had to leave Twilight Town ;_;
-On the plus side, Sora is less annoying now!
-Donald and Goofy, however, are not.
-Cid's southern accent = love. Seriously. Cid is awesome.
-They got a new voice actor for Squall! I am liking this muchly.
-Unfortunately, Aeris's new voice actress is not up the the same standard. She tries so very hard, and that almost makes it worse, because she just can't cut it. She's a cut above the VAs for Silent Hill 1, though. Only one of them can actually act at all, the rest just read all the lines in monotone with huge pauses between sentences.
-It's Christopher Lee! And he's eeeeevil! ...Okay, when is Christopher Lee _not_ evil, seriously.
-I have a few theories regarding DiZ and Namine, actually, but those shall be another post.


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