Dec. 1st, 2004

momijizukamori: (Roy: chibi-evil)
Yes, I've managed to drag myself away from FMA for long enough to post ^^ School still bites, physics tries to own my soul, I'm probably failing Research Sem right now, and while I <3 my precalc teacher so much, I'm not doing so well in his class too. We also have our first person heading back to their sending school - Cronin couldn't handle it, and is leaving sometime this week. I've taken the stance that yeah, I may fail half my classes, but I refuse to give up. I love my stubborn streak ^^

And now, for the weekly cosplay update ^^ I got my Yuna-sleeves finished off last week - just need to add the beads to the end of the ties. They look good, but if my arms get any more muscular, they're not going to fit any more, because I accidently made them just a touch too tight. Next up for that costume - the dreaded obi. I also got my vest for Roy finished, and it looks really awesome if you ignore the slightly messy buttonholes. I even got the fit right first-try, which I'm rather proud of. Michelle and I went out shopping today, so I also got a very nice deep red tie for it - 100% silk for $10, no less.

Which leads me to my next ramble, which is mostly How Cool My FMA Group is Going To Be ^^ Which is, of course, very cool. So far we have me as Roy, Mara as Ed, Claudia as Hawkeye, Mel as Hughes, Winter as Winry, and Michelle as Lust ^^ And damn, does everyone fit their parts so neatly - right down to the heights and personalities, even, except me who's an inch and a half too tall for Roy, and Mara, who isn't quite angry and guilt-ridden enough for Ed (Which, uh, isn't a bad thing - Ed has Issues o.o). I can just imagine the way the interactions will play out at cons, this is going to be so much fun ^^ The costumes will probably kill me too, as I'm the most neurotic one and also the designated Person Who Builds Things for our group, but I love the looks of the uniforms so much, it'll be worth it. I may also Ross at some point, because I kind of liked her and Claudia want to do some fun girl-on-girl photo stuff. Plus, women with guns = yay!

And hopefully now that I have that squeeing out of my system, I'll stop talking about it all the damn time, and cracking short jokes at Marina's expense XD;; (I'm sorry, really <3) I could ramble for even longer about fandom stuff, but this post is already reaching essay-length, so I'll save those for another day ^^

(And feeear the chibi-scheming Roy ^^)


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